85 Oakway Center, Eugene
The Eugene Eruv was established in 5779 (2019) under the supervision of Rabbi Haim Jachter of Teaneck, New Jersey, with the haskamah of Rabbi Tzvi Fischer, Rosh Kollel of the Portland Kollel. Thanks as well to Rabbi Jacob Siegel for his tireless efforts on behalf of the eruv. The eruv was built and is maintained by a dedicated team of volunteers. We are grateful to the city of Eugene as well as the Eugene Water and Electric Board for their assistance in the creation of the eruv. For updates about the status of the eruv, please join Ahavas Torah's email list. Please contact us if you would like to make a contribution to sustain the eruv or wish to volunteer as a member of the eruv checking team.
Below is a printable map of the eruv, including the main eruv (blue) as well as the eruv extension (yellow).